I am working on some new recipes for fall and I am drawn to doing one with cayenne pepper in it.
I first got drawn to the awesome warmth it brings in beverages when I was doing the Master Cleanse a few years ago.
I just recently read that putting cayenne in your smoothie can also help you slow down when drinking it. We sometimes tend to just down our smoothies too fast.
Forgetting that we are actually suppose to sip & chew our smoothies!
Yes, chew!!!
The faster you gulp your smoothie down, the
less time your saliva has to mix with the enzymes and start the process of digestion. When you start to feel the smoothie warm up in your mouth, it's time to swallow. You will know when it's time. Try it next time you have your smoothie. It's kind of a great exercise to make you aware of how fast we normally drink our smoothies, with out even noticing.
My soundtrack for the day is going to be Lullatone!
Gosh, they are so great, they remind me of being in Japan.
Their latest album is, "Soundtrack for everyday adventures".
Check them out here
Oh! Parents!!! You have to check out their super cute app for ipads!
If you have little ones, I think they will totally love this app.
You can purchase it here after you check out how awesome it is!
Now I'm off on my smoothie making adventure, while listening to Lullatone :)
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